Terms & Conditions

Volunteer Code of Conduct

Staff and Volunteers are expected to act honestly, conscientiously, reasonably and in good faith at all times when carrying out their duties and in their relationships or interactions with ME RESPITE, it’s programmes and others. It’s important that we maintain a good reputation in the community, that we show professionalism while showing care and consideration for others.

Expected Behaviours

At all times, we expect volunteers to:

  • Be present at the agreed times and tell us if you are not able to volunteer
  • Carry out duties and responsibilities in a safe, efficient and competent way
  • Maintain a good standard of dress
  • Comply with lawful and/or reasonable direction, instructions and policies
  • Respect the privacy of individuals and only use confidential information for the purposes for which it was intended
  • Not to use ME RESPITE’s property and resources for other than what is intended and permitted by the Trust
  • To return all ME RESPITE property after use to the Manager or Administrator
  • Maintain the confidentiality of any information obtained while volunteering
  • Observe safety procedures including: – keeping yourself and others safe at all times – notifying the organisation about hazards or potential hazards in the working environment – notifying the organisation about any accident, incident or property damage – complying with New Zealand laws

Volunteers will not

  • Create any liability for our organisation without authorisation
  • Act in a way that may bring our organisation into disrepute (including use of email, social media and other internet sites, engaging with media etc)
  • Seek or accept any offers, gifts, rewards or benefits
  • Engage in any activity that may or causes physical or mental harm to another person (such as verbal abuse, physical abuse, assault, sexual or racial harassment, bullying or jeopardise the safety of yourself and others)
  • Be affected by alcohol, medication or non-prescription drugs while volunteering
  • Provide a false or misleading statement, declaration or claim
  • Falsify or change any documents or records.
  • Engage in any activity that may damage our property
  • Have unauthorised possession of property belonging to anyone else
  • Engage in a criminal activity in our workplace.

Conflicts of Interest

Volunteers should avoid situations that may lead to conflicts of interest by:

  • Consulting with your manager/supervisor before undertaking other roles in organisations whose goals, purposes or activities conflict with our organisation
  • Making sure your other commitments do not conflict with the performance of your duties at our organisation
  • Advising your manager/supervisor immediately if a conflict of interest exists, occurs or could possibly occur.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct

Breaches of the Code of Conduct may lead to a notification of unacceptable behaviour and a warning or the immediate end to your services as a volunteer. Repeated breaches of the Code of Conduct will lead to the immediate end of your services as a volunteer.